Roots Dog Care

About Roots
Committed, Authentic, Sincere.
Roots isn't a "walking service" or a dog "business"
The dogs are my life and I cherish every one of them as family.

A dog has a hard job. They strive to keep us happy, make sense of a human-oriented world around them, and conform to our busy schedules.
This is their time to recharge. To be truly free.
And to play as hard as their heart drives them.
Appreciation is at the core.
Every dog has a different way of giving and receiving love and I want to match that energy so that they feel right at home. I want all of my dogs to trust me as someone to come to when they're stressed, overwhelmed, or just in need of some physical affection.

We talk, dogs pose.
Body position and movement is a language of its own.
My dogs tell me when they're excited, if they're curious about something, or if they're tired.
They talk with their bodies and I've learned the lingo over
10 years of language immersion.
Companionship and business are not the same. Dogs are not a financial investment, and love doesn't have a price tag.
I am my dogs' friend. I am their camp counselor. I am their game partner and their comfort when something is wrong.
I will never put profit before being human
with my clients or dogs.